My name is Jessica Graham and I am Photographer for Hayden Idaho. I first realized my passion for photography after I was shown how much meaning they can have by my mother in law and my mother. One of whom, my mother in law, had many photos with so many stories to tell and the other, my mother, who lost so many in a fire as a child. Both have shown and thought me the value and importance of memories and moments in my life. I am so thankful to have grown up in a generation where I am able to explore and capture unforgettable moment for my family as well as others.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Alrene Glassford Maternity

Let me just tell you a little bit about this beautiful lady. Arlene is a dear friend that I have known for a short time, moved here shortly from Florida. We were so happy to have her here even if for a short time. She is an amazingly kind, hardworking, and beautiful person inside and out. I am so happy we were brought together.

We have a joke going about the "Brooklyn Accent" and that she didn't want to move there for the fear of her child saying "Lobsta." Therefore she has become my Lobsta and I hers. Also if you recall on the TV show Friends Lobstas are soul mates. Arlene we will miss you!!!

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